Friday, February 28, 2014

Lab 2 Technical report

Lab 2
      The goal of this lab was to teach us how to get data that was not already provided to us by our instructor, join th information together and then map it. Other skills were continuing to work with map projections and also dealing with mapping data that may not be normalized.
With part one we were required to get census data on total population in Wisconsin counties from the census data website. I did this by going through the advanced search and narrowing the search down to the data from total data I then downloaded the data and opened the tables up and changed them into excel workbook so they could be read in ARCMAP. Then I had to search for the shape file of Wisconsin from the census data website so the table data could be displayed on the map. Then I had to join the two tables of areas and the population  so that when I went into the symbology tab I would be able to create a chloropleth map. I then repeated these steps to create another map that was based off of family concentration in Wisconsin which is the red chloropleth map. Then to make sure that both of the maps were pleasing to look at I changed the projection to a state plane projection of Wisconsin as to have the least amount of distortion in the image. These maps were then put into a layout view and a legend, north arrow, title and scale were added to both maps for visual clarity.
Table data and and shape file were acquired from the census website the projection was obtained using ARCMAP which is an ESRI product

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Lab 1 Technical report

Goals and Objectives

The goals and objectives of lab one were to be able to provide us with the ability to display multiple featured data in different projections, select the state of wisconsin from a shape file of the United States create a new shape file of it and then change the projection. We were working towords gaining the ability to work with multiple sets of data and projections simultainiously. We also worked to learning the skills on how to create maps in ARCMAP using the data that we were given for the Lab this made us provide maps of the world in different projections while also producing a map of central wisconsin counties and rivers and streams that run through them.

To start out the lab in part one we were required to input the country and geogrid shape files into ARCMAP and change the Coordinate system to Geographic projection  and then out of that we change the geographic projection to WGS 1984 and that completed that map. We were then required to make 5 more projections by making an individual data frame for each map projection. The projections used were Mercator, Sinusoidal, Equidistant-Conic and one of our choice. For the projection of our choice I chose the Bonne projection because it was one i had never worked with before so i wanted to learn to use it. Next in part 2 we dealt with making a new projection of a state when only given the contigous United States. For this we needed to make a new data frame for our new data. We added the states shape file from our lab data folder, then used the selection tool to select Wisconsin out and crate its own layer and shape file of soley the State of Wisconsin.. then we were required to change the projection to UTM NAD 1983 Zone 16N. Then we were required to take two shape files that didnt truely overlay well but projected in arc map  due to the on the fly projection that ARCMAP does. I then had to use the transform feature to make it so the two projection both lied correctly. With part 3 we were required tocreate maps of all the adjusted projections that we had done in the previous parts.I did this through the layout view in ARCMAP. Titles north arrows and scales were then added to make them more vissually apealing. Part 4 was all about dealing with projection problems and useing tools provided by ARCMAP to adjust them accordingly. We were given shape fiels for central wisconsin counties and were required to give it an appropriate projection  where I chose the GCS North amercia 1983. The problem came when the streams shape file was dropped in as it didnt have the same projection. i used the transform tool and changed it to the same projection so that it showed up on top of the county shape file being displayed which was the end goal of the part. I then created a map of this data set using the same techniques used in part 3 adding a title, north arrow, and scale to make it more visually apealing.
Results of the lab


The data was given to us by the professor
The mastering ARCGIS textbook was used for help as well as the built in ARCMAP help feature